
I am currently a Junior at Brigham Young University studying Public Health and loving it. I read nutrition facts, I raised goats, I run to keep sane, I love hiking and anything outdoors, I have the best parents in the world, and fresh pineapple is one of my favorite foods.

I spent a semester abroad at the BYU Jerusalem Center in 2011 and started this blog there. I felt like I couldn't continue it after that, because I wasn't in Jerusalem anymore. But I'm not ready to close the door on Jerusalem. Jerusalem is still in me, and I still have stuff I want to say.

"Why Jerusalem?" you may ask. Along with many other things, Jerusalem was the city of Christ's ministry. Jesus Christ--the light and life of the world, the Messiah, the King of Kings, the Rock of Heaven, the True Vine, the Head of the church that has brought me every blessing I hold dear, and my greatest example. He was born near Jerusalem, and there performed the greatest events of all time, making Jerusalem forever holy. I'm so grateful for the opportunity I had to discover Jerusalem and in the mean time draw closer to Him who makes it holy to me.

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